It's important to check all the information before going to Kruger National Park otherwise you might have unexpected expenses. Booking a lodge inside the park does not guarantee that all services are included. Usually, the lodges only include the following on their rates. - self-catering services only, these meals you are only provided accommodation (food will be at your own account) - Bed and breakfast, this means that you are only offered Accommodation and breakfast in the morning. Visitors will have to make sure they make their arrangements for their lunch, dinners, and activities. - Dinner, bed, and breakfast option, this means that the lodge only provides with Accommodation breakfast and dinner. Visitors must make their arrangements for dinner and activities. - Full board option, this means that Accommodation and all meals with selected beverages are included on the nightly rate. - Full Board Plus, this means that Accommodation, all meals with selected beverages and activities at least 2 game drives per day or 1 game drive plus boat safari offered at the lodge. - Fully inclusive, this is a rare option but available with the most luxurious and expensive lodges with high-end experience. During your stay with these lodges’ transfers (Both Road or charter flight), all meals (world-class cuisine or made by famous chefs), activities, selected beverages or premium beverages, afternoon tea or even a private butler is available at some lodges such as And Beyond Lodges. Its also important to take note of the conservation fees, especially if you are self-driving to the park. The day visitor and the Overnight visitor rates are different and changes every year, they can change without prior notice . There are also vehicle fees that you have to pay when entering the park. As much as we don’t encourage visitors to carry money around, when visiting the Park, it’s the best option to carry cash with you as that would be the best and reliable method of payment. Card is also accepted at the park. All entry fees are charged in South African Rands-ZAR. There are lodges that can invoice visitors in USD. to the park. Credit cards (Visa and Mastercard) are widely accepted at the park's entrance gates, rest camps, and main